Since we are a new church in the Canton/ Madison County area, changes happen rapidly and frequently. Please bear with us as we firmly plant our feet on solid ground.

Keeping that in mind, here are some answers to questions we are frequently asked to give you a better idea of what Faith Christian Church (FCC) looks like on a weekly basis.

Where does Faith Christian Church (FCC) gather for Sunday Worship?

On Sunday mornings, we gather at Pastor Cory’s home in Canton, Mississippi. 10:30 AM is the start time. Don’t have a Bible? We have plenty to share.

Who are the individuals that make up FCC?

The individuals who attend FCC represent a mix of those who are seeking, establishing, strengthening, and maintaining their relationship with God. Which basically means we’ve got newcomers and we’ve got those who may have been on the journey for Christ just a tad bit longer. But, none of that matters to us, everyone is welcome! We are a group of people with a strong desire to make a difference, through Christ and for Christ, in the communities around us.

Does it matter that I’m not a regular churchgoer?

Absolutely not! You are the reason we are here. We desire that our gatherings are comfortable for those who are curious about God. This is a place that offers the opportunity to learn and apply the word of God to your daily life. It’s okay if you don’t have it all figured out yet. We are all a work in progress and must rely on God’s love, grace, and mercy to make us whole and complete.

What will the Sunday gathering be like?

We maintain a focus on Jesus and desire to always be part of what He’s doing. There is no program. We allow the Holy Spirit to flow freely and believe wholeheartedly that JESUS is enough. We pray, sing, worship, offer Holy Communion, and teach the Bible.

What does the pastor talk about?

Jesus, Jesus, and more Jesus!

What should I wear?

At any FCC gathering, feel free to wear what makes you comfortable. Our focus is not on your outer appearance, rather, what’s in your heart.

Do I have to bring money or tithe?

If you desire to financially support the church, there is a box located in the gathering place for donations or you may give online via the FCC website. We do not have a time set aside for collecting offerings.

Can I invite my friends?

By all means, please do. We will welcome them with smiling faces and the love of Christ.

Have other questions for us or about FCC? Please send us an email at info@faithccms.org and we’ll get back to you.

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If you have a question or prayer request, please submit it here.
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